Placeholder imageRoll of Honour

All Our Known Records are Here

Steve Ferguson Memorial Trophy Coventry Singles
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Steve Ferguson Memorial
Coventry Singles Plate
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Bob Rushton Memorial
Trophy Coventry Doubles
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Bob Rushton Memorial
Coventry Doubles Plate
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The Champion of Champions Competition Cup
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The Monday Knockout Competition Cup
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The Monday Alternative Competition Cup
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The Riley's Challenge Cup Competition
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The Monday Aggregate Knockout Competition
The Monday Captain's Knockout Competition
The Over 50s Knockout Competition
The Ladies Knockout Competition
The Under 21s Knockout Competition
The Charity Speedpool Cup
The Alternative Singles Competition
The Alternative Doubles Competition
The Mixed Doubles Competition
The Trio Knockout Competition
The Trio Singles Competition
The Jamie Connolly 3 Man Competition
The Premier Division Championship
The Division One Championship
The Division Two Championship
The Division Three Championship
The Division Four Championship
The Division Five Championship
The Division Six Championship
The Division Seven Championship
The Division Eight Championship
The Division Nine Championship
The Wednesday Singles Knockout Competition
The Wednesday Knockout
The Wednesday Aggregate Knockout Competition
The Wednesday
3 Man Knockout Competition
The Wednesday Alternative Cup Competition
The Wednesday Captains Knockout Competition
The Wednesday Division One Championship
The Wednesday Division Two Championship
The Wednesday Division Three Championship